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Amsterdam Posts

New & Improved wearhouses.nl is Here!

New & Improved wearhouses.nl is Here!

Exciting Updates: The New & Improved Wearhouses.nl is Here! At Wearhouses, we believe that finding the perfect Amsterdam Canal Houses souvenir should be an experience as unique as the city itself. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our newly updated http://wearhouses.nl webshop—designed to make your shopping journey smoother, faster, and more inspiring than ever before! What’s New? ✨ A Fresh New Look & Improved Navigation Our redesigned website features a sleek, modern look with improved navigation, making it easier than ever to browse our exclusive collection of lapel pins, charms, brooches, and necklaces. Whether you’re searching for the perfect Amsterdam...

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Tijd voor het Voorjaar, Tijd voor Tulpen

Tijd voor het Voorjaar, Tijd voor Tulpen

Het voorjaar staat voor de deur en Amsterdam bereidt zich voor op een kleurrijke transformatie. De iconische tulpen beginnen binnenkort te bloeien, wat de stad omtovert tot een levendig palet van kleuren. Een van de hoogtepunten van dit seizoen is de opening van de Keukenhof, ’s werelds grootste bloementuin, die haar deuren opent van 20 maart tot 11 mei 2025.  In deze periode kunnen bezoekers genieten van meer dan zeven miljoen bloembollen, waaronder 800 verschillende tulpensoorten, verspreid over 32 hectare prachtige tuinen. De Keukenhof is dagelijks geopend van 08:00 tot 19:00 uur.  Daarnaast viert Amsterdam in april 2025 de 11e...

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Introducing the house on Geldersekade 97

Introducing the house on Geldersekade 97

 Geldersekade 97/In Coignac/1600   Welcome to Geldersekade 97, a historic gem known as In Coignac. Step back in time to the 17th century, where the enticing aromas of wine and liquor filled the air, and this remarkable house stood as a testament to trade and indulgence. In Coignac, built around the year 1600, tells a tale of craftsmanship and commerce. Its owner, a skilled tradesman in the world of wine and liquor, turned this dwelling into a hub of aromatic delights. It served not only as a residence but also as a warehouse for the precious cargo of fine wines...

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Introducing the house on Keizersgracht 716

Introducing the house on Keizersgracht 716

        Keizersgracht 716/Anno 1671   Welcome to Keizersgracht 716, a house steeped in history and fascinating tales. Step into the world of the past as we unravel the story behind this remarkable dwelling, built in 1671. Imagine the bustling streets of Amsterdam during the 17th century, a time when skilled trades and craftsmanship thrived. The first owner of this house was a talented carpenter, and it is this connection that gave birth to its charming name, "In de Krol," meaning woodchip or woodshaving. It was a common practice to name buildings after the trades and crafts they housed, reflecting the...

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Introducing the house on Herengracht 168

Introducing the house on Herengracht 168

       Herengracht 168/Anno 1638 't Witte Huys   Welcome to Herengracht 168, an iconic landmark known as 't Witte Huys, Amsterdam's very own White House. Prepare to be captivated by the story behind this elegant merchant house, where history, adventure, and timeless beauty converge. As you stand before the magnificent facade, its name becomes apparent. 't Witte Huys owes its moniker to the exquisite use of light-colored sandstone that adorns its exterior. Step back in time to 1638, when this distinguished residence was commissioned by the adventurous Michiel Pauw. Michiel Pauw, a man of great vision and courage, played a...

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